Messages, Signs, Surviving, Uncategorized


admin / October 29, 2019

I saw this Instagram post today and it was meaningful to me on multiple levels. It made me think of all the times I think of TJ, how he’s in my day and in my life but not in a physical form, a ghost if you will. Honestly, I don’t want to not think of TJ. I want an overwhelming…

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There is a book I read not too long after TJ died called The Light Between Us. I suppose it wasn’t the first time I had heard of the idea of asking someone from the other side to send a specific sign, but it was the first time in the context of the bereaved mother and it resonated with me.…

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That Smell

admin / August 11, 2018

Most people who have experienced the loss of someone close to them could probably tell you the signs that a departed loved one is near- the ones “they” tell you about. “They” are the folks who are in tune with this other dimension where our parents, children, siblings, and friends now exist. I know some will roll their eyes but…

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Becoming Restored, Changes, Signs

Terminal D

As I sat in terminal D four days ago at the Philadelphia airport I couldn’t help but think of the last time I was here. Our entire family was heading to Maui for TJ’s Make a Wish trip.  It was a happy time. Happy knowing TJ would get to see the banyan tree. That tree was the reason he chose…

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