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Nature Hearts

Hearts. TJ sends me hearts. He is a nature- lover and almost every day he sends me a cool photo of a heart found in nature- or one I find on a walk or really just anywhere I go. And sometimes they aren’t “nature” but simply little surprises I discover throughout my day.

Not everyone will see the heart. But as another angel-mom once told me, the hearts are meant for us, not anyone else. It is we who choose to believe ours sons have sent the hearts and it precisely because we believe that we receive them.

Found out front
Found this on the beach after asking TJ for a sign
random find from @prime.adventure
another water-themed random find
photo credit: @ig_amazingtravel
aerial water heart
photo credit: @sjoerdbracke
more heart-shaped water through a heart-shaped “lens”
spotted on @vani_sab
herry blossom heart
phot credit: @yako_flpr3
mountains reflect their heart of the water
photo credit: @jamieout
heart cloud
I found this little guy on the curb by my van.

I’m always surprised, but then, not really. Because I know he is always with me.

a good-morning heart found in my moisturizer. I’ve never been able to duplicate the way this came out of the tube.
I think this one was just for me since no one else tends to see the heart like I do.
photo credit: @_miss.mandy_

Care was given to find the proper person for each photo credit as found on social media

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