Changes, Surviving

It’s Graduation Time

Facebook did it to me again. Those memories that pop up everyday. I don’t hate them. Truly I don’t. They bring me daily reminders of my sweet TJ and happy times we had together- our dates, his singing, him playing with his siblings, his Lego and origami creations, they are all great things. Normally (by which I mean 50-60% of…

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851 days

Today has been a lousy day. Everything at work feels like “one more thing” added to the pile. I’ve hit a point where I actually cried in front of our new administrator. Sometimes I am so tired of healthcare. You have to spend so much of your time either 1) doing someone else’s work, or 2) documenting every inch you…

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Becoming Restored, Changes, Signs

Terminal D

As I sat in terminal D four days ago at the Philadelphia airport I couldn’t help but think of the last time I was here. Our entire family was heading to Maui for TJ’s Make a Wish trip.  It was a happy time. Happy knowing TJ would get to see the banyan tree. That tree was the reason he chose…

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