
I Will Never….

Two days ago as I headed off to work I saw all the high school kids walking to the bus. There was a boy from our court and all I could think was ‘TJ should be getting on that bus.’ In that instant all the little moments I won’t get to see and experience because of TJ’s death came flooding…

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Memory Lane

I’m feeling nostalgic, not just for my angel boy, but for all the fun times we had as a young family. Here are some of my favorites   Top L to R: TJ, cousin Zach, Luli (grandmother), cousin Natalie; TJ with Aunt Jami; Cousin Ashley and TJ; Bottom L to R: TJ with Aunt Katie; Cousin Pete hugging TJ  …

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I Got Here First

Today has been quite an interesting day filled with little signs from my TJ. But I to tell you the story of today I must tell you the story of yesterday. And the day before. Two days ago I mentally marked off the 27th month without TJ. It was a day like any other day except with the glaring reality…

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