
Deep Waters

Some angel-mamas I know seem to have regular dream visits from their angels. I have only had four and one daytime visit. I know there are those who don’t believe in visits from their loved ones and that’s okay. That’s not really the point of this post. I only mention it to say that I am not someone who gets…

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He is NOT His Things

In a previous post I mentioned that I started an online course designed to help the reader identify emotional obstacles to clearing away clutter & having a more spacious home and life. Since that time a dear sweet angel-mama-sister said that our kids (our dead kids, though it applies universally to all of us) are not their things. The message…

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You Are All Around Me

This past weekend I went to the movies with my husband. I had picked out a suspense/thriller thinking he would like and I would probably like it (a hopeful win-win). Ultimately we saw something else entirely. Something I’m not really sure how we settled on. He was very willing to see anything I chose but every movie we chose had…

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